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Deception: Murder in Hong Kong is a game of deduction and deception for 4-12 players which plays in about 20 minutes. In the game, players take on the roles of investigators attempting to solve a murder case – but there’s a twist. The killer is one of the investigators! While the Investigators attempt to deduce the truth, the murderer’s team must deceive and mislead. This is a battle of wits! Find out who among you can cut through deception to find the truth and who is capable of getting away with murder!
- Avtor: Tobey Ho
- Založnik in leto izdaje: Jolly Thinkers [2015]
- Število igralcev: 4 - 12
- Čas igranja: 20 minut
- Priporočena starost s strani založnika: 14+
- Priporočena starost po mnenju igralcev: 12+
- Jezik in pravila: Angleško besedilo na kartah / Angleška pravila